185 Baldwin St.
Athens, GA 30602
Front Desk: 706-542-1355
Classroom Support: 706-542-3456
Join us for this intermediate-level workshop to delve more deeply into the eLC gradebook and communication tools. You’ll learn how to create and apply custom grading schemes tailored to your course needs and configure Intelligent Agents to automate communication with students based on specific criteria, such as missed deadlines or progress milestones. We’ll also discuss best practices for using these tools to save time and provide timely feedback to students. This session is part of a series for instructors and TAs who are familiar with basic eLC features and are seeking ways to enhance their grading efficiency and student engagement.
Please register here: https://ugeorgia.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eEdwmOY0v58xI90