Click here to enroll in the GradTeach Certificate!

The GradTeach Certificate is a non-academic certificate program designed to support the preparation of UGA graduate students to engage effectively in instruction, with an eye on their future careers. By participating in this program you will be exposed to basic foundations in the science and best practices of effective teaching. Along the way you will also create materials that may be useful in your development of a teaching statement and teaching portfolio. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will be presented with a certificate and letter of documentation from the CTL.

How does it work?

The GradTeach Certificate is designed to be flexible in both mode and approach: you can enroll at any time, choose between asynchronous virtual and synchronous in-person options, and proceed at whatever pace works best for you.

The program is divided into three main Levels: The Science of Learning, The Learning Environment, and Foundational Best Practices.


The three main levels of the GradTeach Certificate.


Each level is broken into three to four distinct modules. To complete each module, you will need to submit a short assignment through eLC. The assignments are a way for you to apply and/or reflect on what you’ve learned, while demonstrating your grasp of the intended learning outcomes. They are designed to align well with our workshops and asynchronous module material, allowing you to demonstrate your acquired skills along the way. The CTL’s GradTeach Team will review your completed assignment, provide feedback as needed, and let you know if revisions are needed to mark it as complete.

What’s in it for me?

Besides the awesomeness of learning about effective teaching, here are some of the things you’ll leave with, upon successful completion of the program:

  1. Teaching artifacts suitable for use as an instructor and for inclusion in a teaching portfolio. For example, you will create a lesson plan, a major assignment, well-formed learning outcomes for a course, and student-centered course policies for a syllabus.
  2. The background needed to talk intelligently about your teaching with colleagues and at job interviews, and to write a well-informed teaching statement.
  3. A certificate and letter from the CTL, documenting your success.
  4. A line for your CV indicating your engagement in professional development activities around teaching.

What should I do next?

To get started, simply self-enroll in our eLC course shell. Interested faculty and administrators can request access to the course through our GradTeach Certificate Access Request Form.


For more information about GradTeach Certificate, contact [email protected].

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