As part of the CTL’s management of eLC, we work with instructors, vendors, and other campus partners to implement third-party integrations with eLC. Our goal is to help provide access to learning technology tools that will support your ability to provide effective educational experiences for students.

Continue reading to learn more about third-party integrations, how they are evaluated for use at UGA, the process for requesting a new integration through our Third-Party Integration Request Form, and the timeline for implementation once requested.

What is a Third-Party Integration?

When you have a tool that you are using for teaching, it can sometimes be useful to have it “integrated” into eLC. For example, our eLC integration with Perusall allows instructors and students to access and use it through an eLC course, and student grades are passed back to populate your eLC gradebook.

Third-party integrations are applications, software, and programs that extend and enhance the functionality of eLC. Integrating these tools into eLC offers flexible options for instruction in the classroom, tailored to the specific needs of instructors and students. Many of these integrations include synchronization with the eLC gradebook and automated course enrollment, streamlining the process for students to access these external programs from within their eLC courses.

Which tools are already integrated with eLC?

We maintain a list of our third-party integrations on Help.eLC. On that list you will also find information about how to make use of each integration from within eLC, and links to help materials for each integrated tool.

Who provides support for third-party integrations with eLC?

Your best option for support using a third-party integration is often the company or vendor responsible for the tool. In some cases, UGA provides centralized support, but in most cases your first stop will be with the vendor. Take a look at our list of third-party integrations for more information on the best sources of help for each integrated tool.

In some instances, an issue will arise with the mechanics of the integration with eLC (e.g., as different systems are updated or as access codes change). In those cases – or in cases where you’re not sure where you should turn – start by reaching out to us via [email protected].

How do I request a tool for integration with eLC?

To request a third-party integration for eLC, complete our Third-Party Integrations Request form. We will review your request and respond with information about next steps within 5 business days.

How does the CTL determine whether a tool can be integrated with eLC?

We consider several factors when evaluating third-party integration requests for eLC, including:

  • Affordability and access for students,
  • Breadth of impact and redundancy with existing integrations,
  • Technical compatibility with eLC and type of integration (an LTI 1.3 integration is preferred),
  • Data security and adherence to privacy laws like FERPA,
  • Accessibility via compliance with federal Section 508 and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1,
  • Functionality (e.g., if the screen reader reads out answers to an eLC quiz, it won’t be approved!),
  • Licensing structure (e.g., how will a unit’s payment for a tool be impacted if the integration is made available to all courses in eLC?).

How long will it take for a tool to be integrated with eLC, once requested?

There are several steps in the process, and several factors in play that will determine how long it will take to go live with a third-party integration for eLC. The following are the most significant factors impacting our timeline:

  • Responsiveness of the Vendor: We have found that this is the most significant and hardest-to-predict variable impacting our ability to complete integrations in a timely manner. Most vendors are able to respond to inquiries within less than a week, but we also have experiences with vendors who take several months to get back to us. Since these responses are crucial to our ability to move forward at almost every stage of the process, it can be the difference between a three-week timeline and a full year or more.
  • Adoption by the USG: All third-party integrations for eLC must first be approved for use by the University System of Georgia. If a tool has already been approved, then this is a non-issue. However, when this vetting is required, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months. Again, the most significant delay in this process tends to be vendor responsiveness and ability to provide the information the IT experts at the USG require.
  • Integration’s use of sensitive, FERPA-protected, and/or financial information: When a third-party integration makes use of sensitive and/or FERPA-protected information, we are required to put it through some additional vetting within UGA. We start in partnership with EITS’s cyber-security team. If the tool also asks for financial information (e.g., if students pay for use through an online portal), the Bursar’s office is also involved, often adding a week or two for the overall process. After approval from EITS, the Office of Procurement works with the vendor to acquire a signed agreement related to their use of student (and other) data. As you might expect, the timeline here again depends on the vendor’s responsiveness and willingness to agree to UGA’s terms.

Who should I contact if I have questions about third-party integrations with eLC?

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via [email protected] with questions about eLC, third-party integrations, and all things learning technology!

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