Consultations and Services

class looking at a projection screen

One-on-one consultations and other services provide an opportunity for individualized teaching support and professional development. Our GradTeach Team is full of experts in teaching and learning who are available to meet with you to discuss your needs. Your engagement with these services is typically kept confidential within the CTL.

Consultation topics can vary, and may include any of the following:

  • Solving or troubleshooting a teaching problem;
  • Developing and implementing a new idea in your teaching;
  • Developing a teaching research project;
  • Crafting your teaching statement and/or teaching portfolio;
  • Receiving feedback on your teaching (from a CTL consultant and/or from your students!).

Reach out to us via to request a consultation with a teaching & learning expert.

 Specialty Consultations

MSFEs are a great way for instructors of record to gather feedback from students and implement adjustments in response. A CTL consultant will visit your class, talk to your students, then walk you through their feedback in order to help you identify ways to improve the student experience and learning in your class. More information about MSFEs is available on our faculty MSFE page, and on our MSFE Request Form.

The CTL’s classroom observations are a great way to receive formal feedback on your teaching – whether you are an instructor of record, a lab GA or discussion section leader, or simply delivering a guest lecture for someone else.

Use our Observation Request Form to request a teaching observation!

There are three phases to a CTL Teaching Observation:

  1. Pre-Observation Meeting:Meet with your CTL consultant for 30 minutes to discuss your class, your teaching, and the feedback you would find most useful.
  2. Observation:Teach your class as usual, but with your CTL consultant in the room (or with you online), taking note of everything going on and using established teaching observation protocols to gather data. We’ll attend to strategies and features that can impact your instructional effectiveness!
  3. Post-Observation Meeting:Meet with your CTL consultant for 30-60 minutes, 1-7 days after their visit, to discuss their observations, feedback, and consider possible adjustments to your teaching.

Upon request, we can also provide a formal write-up of our observation feedback, which can be a valuable tool for demonstrating your teaching effectiveness, engaging in self-reflection, or documenting your classroom growth.

Questions? Contact

© University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602