The prestigious  Regents’ Teaching Excellence Awards represent the University System of Georgia’s (USG’s) highest recognition for teaching and advising. Each year, UGA submits one nominee per award. The Center for Teaching and Learning manages an internal nomination procedure, and collaborates with selected nominees to develop robust, competitive dossiers for these awards. Our internal nomination deadline is typically mid-to-late-September, and final dossiers are typically due by the end of November.

Continue reading for more information about each of the seven Regents’ Teaching Excellence awards.

Regents’ Award for Excellence in High-Impact Practices and Experiential Learning

Established in 2024, this award is provided in recognition and celebration of exceptional departments or programs that have demonstrated a strong commitment to integrating and enhancing High-Impact Practices (or HIPs) within their curriculum, resulting in transformative learning experiences for students. Read more about the HIPs award criteria.

Regents’ Teaching Excellence Awards for Online Teaching

The award for online teaching recognizes individual faculty and staff for a strong commitment to engaged, online teaching and student success. Current full-time teaching faculty and teaching academic staff are eligible for this award, provided they have taught at least 12 credit hours of fully online instruction (95% or more online) at a USG institution across the previous three consecutive semesters. Read more about the Online Teaching award criteria.

Past UGA winners of this award include Jill Stefaniak (2023) and Audrey Haynes (2018).

Felton Jenkins, Jr. Hall of Fame Faculty Awards

The Hall of Fame award is provided in recognition of individual faculty and staff for a strong commitment to teaching and student success. All current full-time teaching faculty and teaching academic staff are eligible for this award. Read more about the Felton Jenkins, Jr. award criteria.

Past UGA winners of this award include John Knox (2023), James Byers (2019), William Finley (2015), Sybilla Beckmann (2012), and Conrad Fink (2004).

Regents’ Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Awards

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – or SoTL – award is intended to encourage and support the work of faculty members whose scholarship focuses on the instructional mission of the institution. All current full-time teaching faculty and teaching academic staff are eligible for this award. Read more about the SoTL award criteria.

Past UGA winners of this award include Julie Stanton (2021), Tessa Andrews (2019), Paula Lemons (2015), Charles Atwood (2009), Peggy Brickman (2007), and Tina Harris (2005).

Regents’ Teaching Excellence Awards for Department or Program

This award is designed to showcase an outstanding department or program that promotes, supports, and recognizes excellence in teaching and in service to students. Any UGA department or program is eligible for this award. Read more about the Department / Program award criteria.

Past UGA winners of this award include the Department of Microbiology (2023), the Department of Mathematics (2022), the Engineering Education Transformation Institute (2020), First-Year Odyssey (2015), and the First-Year Composition Program (2012).

Regents’ Momentum Award for Excellence in Advising and Student Success

The Momentum Advising Award is designed to honor institutional advising that creates trajectory toward student success and completion. Using current baseline Momentum Institutional Data, this award recognizes advising and other related activities that improve institutional outcomes related to Momentum (making and deepening purposeful choices, creating and cultivating productive academic mindsets, building and maintaining fuller schedules along a clear pathway, heightening academic engagement and increasing success in critical courses and meeting key milestones). Student success and innovative practices in achieving Momentum goals are the thrust of this Momentum Award in Advising Excellence. Read more about the Momentum Advising and Student Success award criteria.

Regents’ Momentum Award for Excellence in Teaching and Curricular Innovation

The Momentum Award for Excellence in Teaching is designed to recognize teaching and instruction that promotes student achievement, purposeful, and productive academic mindsets. Any UGA department or program is eligible to be nominated for this award. Read more about the Momentum Teaching and Curriculum award criteria.


Questions? Please contact Ruth Poproski via [email protected].


For more information about UGA’s process for selecting nominees to USG teaching awards, contact Ruth Poproski.

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