The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) helps support the teaching development of graduate students across campus. Before your teaching assistantship begins, we will provide you with training and support resources to effectively engage with students. We will also help you meet UGA’s Graduate Teaching Assistant (TA) Policy requirements, which are set by the Office of Instruction in collaboration with the Graduate School. Full details regarding UGA’s Graduate TA Policy can be found at the UGA Policy Library link above. For your convenience, we have provided a summary of the three requirements here:

  1. Complete the CTL’s TA Orientation training modules.
  2. Successfully complete GRSC 7700 (Intro to College Teaching) or an approved departmental equivalent.
  3. Demonstrate English language proficiency (for international students).

The full UGA TA Policy statement, which also includes requirements and guidelines for Instructor of Record credentialing, is now housed in UGA’s Policy Library. See the Graduate TA Policy entry for more details.

TA Orientation

This interdisciplinary orientation provides general preparation for graduate students with instructional responsibilities, including an overview of policies and procedures pertinent to the TA role, an introduction to effective teaching strategies and practices, and exposure to services and resources available across campus that offer support for individuals engaged in teaching and learning endeavors at UGA.

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GRSC 7770

GRSC 7770 is a 1 to 3 credit course providing TAs with knowledge of pedagogical approaches, relevant UGA policies, and available support systems. As per TA Policy, all graduate students with instructional duties must complete GRSC 7770 (or an approved departmental equivalent) prior to or concurrently with their first TAship.

GRSC 7770 Approved Departmental Equivalents:  


ALDR 7770E Teaching in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences 
COMM 6010 Seminar in Teaching, Introduction to Public Speaking 
COMM 6011 Seminar in Teaching, Interpersonal Communication 
ECHD 9070 Preparing Students to Teach 
ECOL 7770 University Teaching in Ecology 
EDIT 7770 Graduate Teaching in LDT Seminar 
EMAT 9700 Learning to Teach Undergraduate Mathematics Education Courses 
ENED 7010 Preparing to be an Engineering Educator 
ENGL 6911 Apprenticeships in College English 
ENGL 6912S Writing Center Theory and Practice 
EPSY 8750 Practicum in College Teaching 
ESCI 9700 Learning to Teach Undergraduate Science Education Courses 
ESOC 9700 Seminar in Social Studies Teacher Education 
ETAP 9005 Equity-Oriented Teacher Education in Educational Theory and Practice 
FANR 8900 University Teaching in Forestry and Natural Resources 
GEOL 6920 Seminar for Geology Teaching Assistants 
GRMN 7500 Teaching College German 
JURI 7771 Graduate Teaching Assistant Seminar 
KINS 7770 Graduate Teaching in Kinesiology Seminar 
LATN 7770 Latin Teaching Methods 
LLED 7769 International Graduate Internship II 
LLED 7770 Graduate Teaching Seminar in Language and Literacy Education 
MARS 7770 University Teaching in Marine Science 
PHIL 7010 Teaching Philosophy 
POLS 7770 Graduate Teaching Seminar 
RELI 7771 Teaching Religious Studies 
ROML 7700 Romance Languages Pedagogy 
SOWK 8315 Social Work Education Practicum 
VPHY 7770E Science Teaching for Scientists 
WIPP 7001 Pedagogy of Writing in the Disciplines 

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Language Proficiency

To hold a TAship at UGA, international students must follow country-specific requirements as determined by the Graduate School to demonstrate English proficiency. More details about UGA’s English language proficiency requirements for graduate TAs can be found in UGA’s policy library on the Graduate TA Policy.

Need help in determining your next steps in demonstrating English language proficiency? You may find this tool helpful: Language Proficiency Requirements Guide.

Graduate Students as IoRs

In order for graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) or graduate laboratory assistants (GLAs) to teach as Instructors of Record, they must both fulfill UGA’s TA policy requirements and adhere to UGA’s Instructor of Record credentialing policy. With the exception of GRSC 7770 and approved equivalents (LLED 7768, WIP 7001, and PHYS 7111/2-L), GTAs and GLAs are not approved to be instructors of record or grade assignments for graduate course sections, including course sections that are split-level with an undergraduate course.

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