Announcement of Sarah H. Moss Fellowship 2025-2026
Deadline for applications: 5:00 p.m. – Wednesday, May 1, 2025
Sarah H. Moss Fellowships, administered by CTL since 1987, provide funds for travel and related expenses for tenure-track faculty of the University of Georgia (Athens) pursuing advanced scholarship, research, and study in institutions of higher learning abroad and in the United States. The purpose of these fellowships, funded through a bequest from the estate of Sarah H. Moss, is to provide early career University of Georgia faculty a “broad outlook and acquaintance with conditions and standards in other parts of the world….” Funding is available in amounts of up to $10,000 and may include subsistence for family members. The award may be made twice. Additional support funds from the nominee’s department are desirable.
Procedural update, effective March 1, 2024: Funds requested for the faculty members’ own travel and research supplies must be listed separately in the itemized budget from funds requested for partner and dependent travel, etc. This is because there are two distinct reimbursement procedures for these funds:
- Funds awarded for the faculty members’ own travel and research supplies will be reimbursed directly (no taxes withheld) upon submission of Travel and Expense statements (OneSource), which must include receipts or credit card statements.
- Other reimbursements, including funds awarded for partner and dependent travel, etc., are considered taxable income to the UGA employee, and so are considered “Taxable Travel”. Taxable Travel should be claimed for reimbursement using the Taxable Travel Expense Form, here: The completed form along with supporting documentation and receipts should be emailed to CTL business manager, Tish Meadows, at
NOTE: Every effort will be made for Fellowship funds to be available for reimbursement by August 2025 for 2025-2026 Fellows. However, it is possible that reimbursements may not be disbursed by the fund until the midway point of the funding cycle, as late as December 2024.
Requirements for Applicants
- Applicants should be tenure-track faculty at the University of Georgia in Athens. Pre-tenure applicants are strongly prioritized.
- Applicants must have held a UGA faculty appointment for at least one academic year before applying for grant funding.
- Applicants should show promise of unusual accomplishment in advanced scholarship, research, or study at universities or institutions other than in Southern states including and contiguous to Georgia.
- Approval is required of one’s department head and dean if a leave of absence during the academic year is requested.
- Recipients must agree to return to the University of Georgia for at least one year after receiving a scholarship or re-pay the amount of the award.
- Those selected for the 2025-2026 Sarah H. Moss Fellowship Program must provide a summative report of their fellowship experiences and accomplishments to the Chair of the Sarah H. Moss Selection Committee (Dr. Megan Mittelstadt, by July 31, 2026.
Procedure for Application
A single PDF copy of application components may be submitted to by 5:00pm Eastern – Friday, May 1, 2025. Applicants are encouraged to consult with respective department heads and senior faculty members in preparing proposals to be submitted to the Moss Committee. The Committee reviewing applications for Sarah H. Moss Fellowships encourages candidates to apply for other fellowships before or at the same time they are applying for Sarah H. Moss Fellowships. (e.g., NATO, NIH, and Guggenheim). All applicants are reviewed by the Sarah H. Moss Fellowship Committee.
Method of Selection
Applicants are reviewed each year by a committee composed of the following: the Dean of the College of Education, the Dean of the Graduate School, the Dean of the School of Law, the Dean of the College of Business, the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, a representative of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the President of the UGA Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. In all phases of the selection process, the applicants will be judged on the basis of stated criteria.
Criteria for Selection
Applications will be evaluated using the following criteria:
- Qualifications of the faculty members as a scholar and teacher,
- Contributions of the faculty member to the University of Georgia,
- Quality and potential impact of the proposal,
- Level of need and of support from department and college, and
- Overall potential as a faculty member at the University of Georgia.
Preference will be given to faculty in early stages of their careers.
Announcement of the Awards
Recipients of Sarah H. Moss Fellowships will be notified by June 30, 2025.
Recent Recipients
Diana Graizbord, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Mohammad Rifat Haider, College of Public Health
Thomas Kadri, School of Law
Henriette Lundgren, Mary Francis Early College of Education
James Sargan, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Dallin George Young, Mary Francis Early College of Education
Yingying Zeng, School of Social Work
Karin Assmann, Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication
Lauren Bernabo, Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication
Chris Cleveland, College of Veterinary Medicine
Kendall Marchman, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Yung-Yi Mosley, College of Veterinary Medicine
Rumya Putcha, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
For further information, please contact committee chair Dr. Megan Mittelstadt,