Group photo of the UGA CTL Lilly Teaching Fellows.
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Each spring semester, ten tenure-track assistant professors who are recent recipients of a Ph.D. or terminal degree in their discipline or profession and who are in their first, second, or third year at the University are selected for the Lilly Teaching Fellows Program.


The goals of the CTL Lilly Teaching Fellows Program are to:

  • Provide opportunities for the Fellows to further develop skills associated with effective teaching;
  • Provide opportunities for the Fellows to further develop their ability to appropriately balance teaching with the research and service roles required by a research university;
  • Provide the Fellows information concerning the instructional policies, resources, and services at the University of Georgia;
  • Offer a support system for the Fellows for sharing of ideas with colleagues from other disciplines who may have similar interests and who face similar challenges;
  • Develop the instructional skills of the Fellows through exposure to and interaction with faculty mentors who are master teachers;
  • Provide the Fellows an opportunity to complete an instructional project designed to strengthen courses and teaching methods in their academic department; and
  • Reinforce an instructional environment that honors and recognizes dedicated teaching scholars; values a synergistic relationship between teaching, research, and service; and promotes a learning community spirit on a large campus.


Applicants must be in their first, second, or third year (at the time of nomination) of a tenure-track position at the University of Georgia.


Up to ten faculty members are selected each spring semester to begin participation in the two-year program the following fall. A selection committee consisting of the program coordinators and multiple Lilly Fellows from prior years interview the finalists. Demonstrated passion for and commitment to excellence in teaching is a key factor in selection. Notifications of the committee’s decision are made by the end of spring semester.

Application Process

Applications for the 2024-2026 Lilly Teaching Fellows program are CLOSED. Applications for 2025-2027 cohort will open during the Spring 2025 semester.

Applications must be supported by a recommendation from the applicant’s department head or dean.


The following activities comprise the program for the first academic year of the program.

  • A one-day retreat is held early in the fall semester. The co-directors of the program and the Fellows design a series of discussion topics and a meeting schedule tailored to the unique interests of the group.
  • The Fellows carry out the plan developed at the fall retreat by meeting approximately every three weeks with the co-directors to address the topics selected. Mentors and key experts from the university community are generally invited to each meeting as well. Meetings are highly interactive.
  • Each Fellow selects a mentor for the year. The mentor may come from within or outside the Fellow’s department, but must be a tenured faculty member at UGA. In addition to the fellow-mentor relationship, each Fellow interacts with the other mentors associated with the program. Mentors participate in group activities as their schedules permit and are invited to attend the end-of-year retreat.
  • At the end of the academic year, a second retreat is held for first-year Fellows. At this meeting, the Fellows – with their mentors – have an opportunity to reflect on major changes they have experienced during the year and to generate ideas for future activities that will stimulate growth and development among young faculty at the University of Georgia.
  • During early fall of the second year, each Fellow finalizes an instructional improvement proposal for the academic year. Up to $2,000 per Fellow is provided to implement new ideas or otherwise enhance the development of the Fellow’s career path at the University of Georgia.
  • Fellows are invited to attend other campus-wide activities during the year. Opportunities for Fellows and mentors to meet with Fellows from prior years and their mentors are also provided.

Current Fellows


  • Filipe Pecas Correia, Finance
  • Sokiente Watariye Dagogo-Jack, Marketing
  • Kate Cassity-Duffey, Horticulture
  • Jin Sun, Computing
  • Samantha Schlemmer, Pathology
  • Ania Aleksandra Majewska, Physiology and Pharmacology
  • Tatiane Russo-Tait, Cellular Biology
  • Mackensie Jordan Minniear, Communication Studies
  • Gregory O’Neil Satterthwaite, Music, African American Studies


  • Mariana Lima Becker, Educational Theory and Practice
  • Jeremy Davis, Philosophy
  • Nicholas Eng, Advertising and Public Relations
  • Alexander Fyfe, Comparative Literature
  • Katie Marages, Environment and Design
  • Julia Rice Mattison, English
  • John Meixner, Law
  • Dax Ovid, Physiology and Pharmacology
  • Niyantri Ravindran, Human Development and Family Science
  • Katelyn Stauffer, Political Science For More Information

View previous Lilly Teaching Fellows (PDF)


For more information about Lilly Teaching Fellows, contact Co-Directors Sarah Shannon or Meg Mittelstadt.

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