One-on-one consultations and other services provide an opportunity for individualized teaching support and professional development. Our GradTeach Team is made up of experts in teaching and learning. We are available to meet with you to discuss your needs, in person, via Zoom, or through email. We are a safe, neutral, and trusted space of support.

Reach out to us via to request a consultation with a teaching & learning expert.

Develop Teaching Materials & Ideas

We are happy to talk with you about any aspect of your teaching, to function as an objective sounding board for your ideas, and to share insight into evidence-based best practices as you develop your teaching materials. For example, we can help you with:

  • developing and implementing a new idea in your teaching;
  • developing a teaching research project;
  • designing an effective first day (or week) of class;
  • optimizing your grading practices;
  • increasing active learning opportunities for your students;
  • building community with and among your students.

Curate Job Market Materials

If you’re on the academic job market, we are happy to help you craft teaching-scoped materials. We can support you in:

  • drafting, reviewing, or polishing your teaching statement;
  • documenting evidence of your teaching effectiveness;
  • aligning and curating your teaching portfolio;
  • providing feedback on your teaching demonstration.

Solve a Teaching Problem

It is natural to face challenges during teaching. For example, maybe you can’t quite figure out why an activity didn’t go as you planned. Or maybe students did poorly on a test when they seemed to get it in class. Or maybe the discussion got a little too heated, or students refused to engage, or one student dominated the conversation. No matter the challenge, we can help! We can help you:

  • diagnose what’s causing a pain point or problem in a course.
  • plan a change to address a pain point or problem.
  • evaluate the impact of a change you’ve made.

Specialty Consultations


Reach out to us via to request a consultation with a teaching & learning expert.