The One Button-Green Screen Studio is a simplified video recording setup that can be used without any previous video production experience.
The design of the studio allows you to create high-quality and polished video projects without having to know anything about lights and cameras. A green screen option is also available for graphic overlay.
IMPORTANT: Please remember to bring a Mac compatible 16GB or greater USB flash drive formatted for exFAT. You can use Apple’s Disk Utility program to format your flash drive.
To make a reservation, please click here:
One Button-Green Screen Studio Reservation Form
CTL offers an on-site editing and audio recording suite that is available at no charge. To reserve the suite, please use the following link:
CTL Editing and Audio Recording Suite Reservation Form
CTL is also available to provide technical advice, training, and demonstrations to those wanting to learn more about the One Button-Green Screen studio upon request.