Graduate students working as lab assistants (GLAs) fill an important role in the laboratory-based educational experience. Laboratory-based courses contribute to student learning by providing opportunities to practice inquiry and experimentation that supplement traditional lecture courses. Thus, the primary role of the GLA is to facilitate and guide students through an authentic inquiry experience. To do this, GLAs manage the execution of the lab, facilitate inquiry-based learning, direct students towards successes, and motivate students by enhancing their experiences and outcomes.

The GLA’s Role

Graphic of the GLA roles

All GLAs in inquiry-based laboratories share some common roles across disciplines. In each of these roles you have the opportunity to contribute to the success of students by impacting their laboratory learning experience.  Further, there are evidence-based best practices that you can use to increase your effectiveness in your role. In this resource we break this role into four distinct (albeit overlapping) parts: the GLA facilitates learningmanages operationsdirects behavior, and encourages student motivation to learn.

Keep reading for more information about each of these roles, and recommended strategies for success. For additional reading, consider this resource on Teaching as a Laboratory TA.

The Facilitator: Facilitating Inquiry-Based Instructions

The Facilitator might be your most important and recognizable role in inquiry-based laboratories. As a facilitator, you guide students through the learning experience by asking effective questions, engaging in active listening, allowing for productive struggle, providing effective feedback, and addressing misconceptions.

Click to expand items below for practical strategies and best-practices associated with each part of the GLA’s “Facilitator” role.

The Manager: Executing the Laboratory

The Manager role is foundational to the success of a laboratory course. GLAs are responsible for safely and effectively executing laboratory sessions. To do this, you must demonstrate and promote safe practices, help manage your students’ use of their time, arrive prepared to teach, and manage group dynamics.

Click to expand the items below for practical strategies and best-practices associated with each part of the GLA’s “Manager” role.

The Motivator: Enhancing Student Experience and Outcomes in Lab Courses

The Motivator role is related to the ways in which a GLA can inspire students’ engagement and attention – even leading to longer term learning, retention in the field, and more. In the inquiry-based laboratory, motivated students will engage in discussion and problem-solving with their peers, come prepared to work, and leave able to articulate at least some of what they have learned.

One useful way to think about student motivation is in terms of Expectancy and Value Theory. In the context of student motivation, expectancy – or a person’s level of expectation that they will achieve a desired outcome – refers to both the belief that something can be successfully completed, and the belief that if you put the work in, you will be sufficiently rewarded. Student motivation to engage in the learning process increases and decreases in line with these types of beliefs. Value theory ties in as an additional lever for motivation: by helping students recognize value in learning activities, you can help increase their motivation to engage and learn. To learn more about different theories of student motivation, take a look at our primer on The Theory and Practice of Student Motivation.

Click to expand the items below for practical strategies and best practices associated with each part of the GLA’s “Motivator” role.


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