Facilities Planning

The CTL has the ability to coordinate a complete service regarding the design and development of learning spaces.


As classroom models around the world are changing to meet the needs of the faculty and students, CTL can provide a research-based view of the best options in learning space design to colleges and departments for their classrooms. In concert with Facilities Management and the Office of University Architects, CTL has the ability to coordinate a complete service from the design of modern learning spaces to the selection of equipment and furnishings to the final installation of furnishings and technology.

Classroom Design Considerations

CTL is a key-planning agency for campus instructional facilities, departmental media equipment needs and implementation of grant projects that include related technology. CTL staff provides recommendations and specifications and either coordinate and implement installation projects or act as liaison to other campus or external contractors and vendors.

Learning Space Design

CTL provides free consultation for departments to discuss learning space design. This service includes on-site meetings and follow-up meetings to ensure that we are addressing all of the critical physical and technological issues. We will also provide a list of specific equipment and estimated labor costs for the project. As part of the service, representatives from Facilities Management and the Architects office may be included if the project involves renovations or physical changes to the learning space.

UGA Classroom Standards

CTL has worked with the Office of University Architects at UGA to assist in creating a set of classroom standards that provide direction for those desiring to create a new classroom or renovate an existing space. These standards cover topics from classroom design to specific technical issues and can be found at the web site of the Office of University Architects.

Use the referenced Sections in the table below to help navigate the Complete Design Standards as the document itself is large and quite thorough :

Complete UGA Design and Construction Standards

00 00 13 Designing Learning Environments
11 52 00 Audio-Visual Equipment
11 52 13 Projection Screens
12 56 52 Audio-Visual Furniture
27 41 00 General Audio-Visual System Requirements
24 41 00.01 Audio-Visual Control System








Technology Installation

Members of the CTL Classroom Support and Learning Spaces staff are experts in the installation of classroom technology systems. The staff regularly installs several new systems each year and provides upgrades to dozens of other systems to keep up with the fast pace of change in technology today. The CTL engineering and support staff has multiple certifications, including advanced certifications in the design, installation, and maintenance of A/V systems.

Contacting CTL for Assistance in Facility Planning

If you do have questions concerning the planning or design of a classroom or learning space, please call us at (706) 542-3456. We can help you answer specific questions that you may have and how to design and create an effective space.

© University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602