GRSC 7770

GRSC 7770 is a 1-3 credit course providing TAs with knowledge of pedagogical approaches, relevant UGA policies, and available support systems. As per TA Policy, all graduate students with instructional duties must complete GRSC 7770 (or an approved departmental equivalent) prior to or concurrently with their first TAship at UGA. To hold an Instructor of Record (IoR) position, students must complete GRSC 7770 (or an approved departmental equivalent) prior to the start of their work as an IoR. LLED 7769 is considered an acceptable substitute for GRSC 7770, for those required to take it as part of their demonstration of English language proficiency.

Students who do not successfully complete GRSC 7770 (or an equivalent) are limited in their eligibility for TAships until they have successfully completed the course. This includes students with an Incomplete or failing grade assigned for the course. See the TA Policy document (PDF) for more information.

Graduate students may forgo taking GRSC 7770 (or an approved departmental equivalent) if they can provide documentation of one of the following:

  • Prior IoR experience at the college-level in the United States, at institutions other than UGA,
  • Completion of a course comparable to GRSC 7770 at an institution in the United States 


Departments seeking to exempt TAs from taking GRSC 7770 must submit a waiver to the Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning for approval at least one week prior to the beginning of the semester to which the TA is assigned the teaching responsibility.

Download GRSC 7770 Waiver Form >> (PDF)

 The following courses are currently approved as GRSC 7770 equivalents:

  • ALDR 7770E: Teaching in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
  • COMM 6010: Seminar in Teaching, Introduction to Public Speaking 
  • COMM 6011: Seminar in Teaching, Interpersonal Communication
  • ECHD 9070: Preparing Students to Teach
  • ECOL 7770: University Teaching in Ecology
  • EDIT 7770: Graduate Teaching in LDT Seminar
  • EMAT 9700:  Learning to Teach Undergraduate Mathematics Education Courses
  • ENED 7010: Preparing to be an Engineering Educator
  • ENGL 6911: Apprenticeships in College English
  • ENGL 6912S: Writing Center Theory and Practice
  • EPSY 8750: Practicum in College Teaching
  • ESCI 9700: Learning to Teach Undergraduate Science Education Courses
  • ESOC 9700: Seminar in Social Studies Teacher Education
  • ETAP 9005: Equity-Oriented Teacher Education in Educational Theory and Practice
  • FANR 8900: University Teaching in Forestry and Natural Resources
  • GEOL 6920: Seminar for Geology Teaching Assistants
  • GRMN 7500: Teaching College German
  • JURI 7771: Graduate Teaching Assistant Seminar
  • KINS 7770: Graduate Teaching in Kinesiology Seminar
  • LATN 7770: Latin Teaching Methods
  • LLED 7769: International Graduate Internship II
  • PHIL 7010: Teaching Philosophy
  • POLS 7770: Graduate Teaching Seminar
  • RELI 7771: Teaching Religious Studies
  • ROML 7700: Romance Languages Pedagogy
  • SOWK 8315: Social Work Education Practicum
  • VPHY 7770E: Science Teaching for Scientists
  • WIPP 7001: Pedagogy of Writing in the Disciplines

To add a course to this list of approved GRSC 7770 equivalents, instructors and Graduate Coordinators may send a copy of their course syllabus to Dr. Megan Mittelstadt via

How many course credits does GRSC 7770 need to be to meet TA Policy?

To meet TA Policy, GRSC 7770 may be completed for 1 to 3 credits.

If a GRSC 7770 course is offered for variable credits, can I change the credits I am taking if for after add/drop week?

Yes, if a course is offered at variable credits, with permission of their GRSC 7770 instructor, they may change their course credit at any point in the semester using this Section Change Form (PDF).

Can I hold a TAship while I am taking GRSC 7770?

Yes, most students may hold a TAship while taking GRSC 7770 (or an approved equivalent) for the first time. Students in the process of demonstrating their English Language proficiency should consult our Guide to Demonstrating English Language Proficiency (PDF) for more information on positions they are eligible to hold. Students must complete GRSC 7770 (or an approved equivalent) prior to the start of any Instructor of Record position.

What are the recognized GRSC 7770 course equivalents?

See above under “Departmental Equivalents”.

How can my departments equivalent be recognized as a GRSC 7770 equivalent?

See above under “Departmental Equivalents”.

What happens if I earn a grade of Unsatisfactory (U) in GRSC 7770, LLED 7769, or a departmental equivalent?

In this case you may not hold a regular TAship until you have retaken the course and earned a passing grade. You may hold a limited duty TAship while you retake the course for the first time.

What happens if I take an Incomplete (I) in GRSC 7770, LLED 7769, or departmental equivalent?

In this case, you may hold a TAship for up to one semester, which should provide you with sufficient time to complete the course. If you retain an incomplete After one semester, you are restricted to limited duty TAships until you have successfully complete the course. Starting Fall 2024, if your incomplete is in LLED 7769, an approved departmental equivalent, you may continue with a limited duty TAship for up to one semester. After one semester, you may not hold a TAship until you have successfully completed the course. 

I have previous teaching experience or a previous college teaching course at another institution, can I waive GRSC 7770?

Students who have taken a college teaching course at another US institution, or who have extensive documented instructor of record experience at a US college or university may be exempt from the GRSC 7770 requirement. A waiver request (PDF) must be submitted by your Graduate Coordinator to the CTL at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the semester.

For questions about GRSC 7770, please contact us via

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